vrijdag 4 september 2015

Aloe aristata

Aloe aristata is inheems in Zuid-Afrika en lijkt erg op Haworthia Fasciata. Vormt een dicht rozet van grijsgroene bladeren met knobbeltjes en stekeltjes. Aristaloe is a genus of evergreen flowering perennial plant in the family Asphodelaceae from Southern Africa. Its sole species is Aristaloe aristata , known as . Aloë Aristata is een succulentensoort die oorspronkelijk afkomstig is van het continent Afrika, van Zuid-Afrika tot in de tropische gebieden van Afrika.

It is native to mountains grassland of . How to Propagate Aloe Vera - Duration: 9:56. In de categorie makkelijke planten of niet kapot te krijgen: de vetplant. De Aloë Aristata Magic is krachtig, met haar groene, dikke, vlezige stervormige bladeren, die mooie bladrozetten vormen, lijkend op een zeester. Bristle tip Aloe (also known as Guinea-fowl aloe ) is a mountain species from southern Africa that forms clumps of attractive, gently spined succulent rosettes and . Tall stalks of red blooms late spring to early summer.

Description: Spider Aloe is a small Aloe , spotted with white dots, produces inch tall flower spikes that appear in late winter to spring, bearing about 15 . Aloe Aristata is a aloe hybrid that will grow up to wide and tall. A star shaped rosette with long pointy fleshy leaves with white spots. You searched for: aloe aristata ! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search.

A cute, cold-hardy, ground-hugging aloe from eastern South Africa and Lesotho, this little charmer is an excellent choice for container gardens indoors and out . Außerdem ist sie winterhart. The leaves are thick, dark green with white spots that form a dense rosette. You will receive a very similar plant to the one in the picture.

It may or may not be blooming at the time of your . Prefers light or full shade. Smaller aloe rosettes with offshoots. Do not over water - will rot.

Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Echeveria-Mix-5cm-Wincx Echeveria-Mix-8cm-Wincx . The attractive dark-green leaves have a multitude of white spots a.

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